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Most clients begin the process with a free 30-minute clarity call to determine if it's a good fit for us to work together. Calls are booked on Mondays and Fridays. 


Following the call (or for families who know they are ready to get started right away), you complete the intake forms online and schedule your intake session and we meet after I've reviewed your paperwork. 


Following the intake process, we meet regularly or as needed to meet your parenting goals. 


How do virtual services work? 


I send you instructions to sign up for the free video app and connect with me there. It can be installed on your computer or phone. 


Payment should be submitted 24 hours prior to our appointment, as I send the action plan for each week's goals once I receive payment. Then at the time of our scheduled session, you call me. It's that easy. 

What can I expect from working with you?


Parent coaching is a combination of education and traditional therapy. The education component empowers you with research, skills, and scripts to fill your parenting toolbox a reliable responses to the worst your kids can throw at you. The clinical portion is what promotes the healing that enables your learning and mastery. In my work with parents over the years, I've found that the biggest barrier to staying present and responding (instead of reacting) in the toughest moments are the wounds that we bring to parenthood. By identifying and managing our own triggers, we can heal the deeper issues that prevent us from parenting in ways that optimize connection and cooperation, cultivate emotional intelligence skills, and boost mental health and development. 


My clients can expect to me to provide up-to-date and research-based tools and resources about responsive parenting and sleep. Though most parents need support with the same basic skills, I  hand-select games and tools for each family. 


In addition to education that emphasizes developmentally appropriate expectations and harnesses my super-power as a kid-behavior interpreter, the thing that helps my clients the most is the unconditional love and support that I offer which holds the space for you, so you are better able to hold the space and support your children.

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